When you decide to go for waxing in Northampton for the first time, you require a lot of courage. The process can be a bit painful, and your mind might exaggerate on the levels of pain you are going to suffer because we all fear the unknown. If you need help in making the experience less daunting, then do keep scrolling. Here we have mentioned how to deal with waxing for first-timers- how to make it less scary. 1 . Make Sure You Have Enough Hair Waxing works best if you have at least 1/4 of an inch-long hair. If the hair is longer, the pain could be more intense. If the hair is shorter than that, the process will become more difficult too. So, stay away from shaving blades. You can use scissors to trim the length in case your hair is too long. 2. Getting Pain Meds is Smart If you think you won’t be able to tolerate the pain, take some over the counter pain medications with you. You can ta...